Saturday, June 11, 2022

Riccardo Ajossa in Rome

Bill and I arrived in Rome in time to catch the last week of Riccardo Ajossa's show of new work at his Roman gallery: Spazio Nuovo.
We were warmly greeted by the gallerists. Paulo showed us some of the gallery's recent projects.
Then Guillaume introduced us to Ajossa's new works. 
On our next visit they introduced us to the artist himself. We had bought a small work of his from a 2017 show in Rome so we were happy to get a chance to tell him how much we enjoyed living with it in Toronto.
This year Ajossa has created some handsome triptychs.
Here is a closer look at the work on the left.
And a closer look at the middle work. Ajossa makes his own paper and his own pigments. Guillaume described some of the pigments in this one as Titian blue.
This small sheet was created to stand on its own. 

Here is another triptych.
Guillaume asked us to pose with the artist. 
A closer look at that triptych.
I was particularly caught by this work.
I tried to show you a detail but my phone bleached out the colour. At least you can see the psychedelic level of detail. 
We were pleased to see online that Ajossa he had a new work: "Fuga da Dachau", in a group show called: Vittorio Cini: L'Ultimo Doge at Musei di San Salvatore in Lauro. 
"Fuga da Dachau" is composed of five groups of multiple sheets of handmade paper. The gallery had its doors open and a helpful breeze lifted the top sheet of the middle group to show this photo pressed between sheets of paper.
Another breeze revealed this somewhat hopeful image in the fourth group of sheets from the left.
We'll be watching Ajossa's Instagram to see what's next.


Vittorio Cini: L'Ultimo Doge continues at Musei di San Salvatore in Lauro, until the 24th of July, 2022.


  1. Thanks for those detail photos. Really fascinating. We may never had heard of this artist if you had not posted about him!
    Lisa RR

    1. Glad you enjoyed, Lisa. Do look him up. His descriptions of both his paper and his pigment making are fascinating.

  2. Compelling works. One can not look away, only more intently at each. Can’t ever come close to understanding how his mind can imagine this beautiful and creative works. Janie

    1. I feel the same way, Janie. It was fun to meet him and talk about the work. Nice guy and so creative!

  3. Thanks for introducing this artist and highlighting his work, makes me want to dive into the world of papermaking.
