Sunday, June 12, 2022

A Morning Stroll in Trastevere

The Ponte Sisto is a pedestrian bridge.
It is our favourite way to begin a walk through Trastevere.
Patios are being set up along the colourful, vined streets.
Workshop doorways are open for business. This one specializes in repairing vintage musical instruments.
Some of the street murals seem to be walking with us
past the richly textured walls.
During the pandemic the walls broke out in uncharming "tags". These are now being covered with paint
and plaster.
Trastevere is a wonderful place for a walk.
Backstreets are filled with local colour
of daily life in the district.
They open up into magical views of well-known sights, like Santa Maria in Trastevere
or Santa Maria delle Scalle,  framed in spring flowers.
The patios are almost ready for lunch-time diners
and last minute restaurant supplies have been droopped off.
Feeling hungry?
Trattoria Da Enzo is a favourite spot for us near Basilica di Santa Cecilia.
As we finish our morning stroll
we noticed these workman who will soon break for lunch.
After our own lunch John and I crossed Ponte Cestio to the Tiber Island and the City Centre beyond.


  1. Ah poor Toronto, somehow we accept patios by busy streets raging with non-stop traffic, instead of the idyllic patios on pedestrian only streets. When will city planners get it right here. When will cars be banished from downtown streets.
