Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Sol LeWitt at Paula Cooper

Sol LeWitt died in 2007 but new works keep popping up all the time because one of his ways of "drawing" was to leave directions for drawings for others to execute.
John and I visited Paula Cooper's gallery on West 21st Street and found very quiet wall "drawings" made out of pieces of styrofoam in the front gallery.
In the large back room we found Wall Drawing #368.
Here are LeWitt's instructions for Wall Drawing #368: "The wall is divided vertically into five equal parts. The center part is divided horizontally and vertically into four equal parts. Within each part are three-inch wide parallel bands of lines in four directions in four colors. In each of the other parts, three-inch bands of lines in one of the four directions."
The bands are drawn in color and India ink washes. Red, yellow, blue ink, India ink
The sensory overload is dazzling. Bill hoped it wouldn't trigger a migraine (it didn't).
The drawing overwhelms the mere human eye.
It also overwhelms the camera, and as you can see -- the computer screen.
But it provides a unique, intense, visual pleasure you won't find  anywhere else. (until October 22nd)

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