Certainly the most colourful, even garish, show that John and I saw in Chelsea was Silence of the Music at Lehmann Maupin on West 22nd Street,

a site-specific work by the Brazilian identical twins Gustavo and Otavio Pandolfo, called OsGemeos.
OsGemeos have done installations at art fairs in both Berlin and Miami.
I caught John eavesdroping on two would-be buyers in the first room.
This sculpture, called The Kiss (2015-16), had it's own red, orange and yellow room features a personified boombox topped by a Lunar Face in the ceiling.
Other rooms featured wall murals and carnival style sculpture
and a the turn-of-the-century style portrait-ready moon-seat.
It was fun to pose.
The twins are obviously inspired by hip hop culture.
John liked the boom box with "album covers".
They don't make albums like this anymore.
Double Trouble indeed! Until October 22nd.
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