Wednesday, October 26, 2016

New Poetry Bookstore in Kensington Market

Yesterday, Bill and I read with excitement a note on Facebook by Stuart Ross.
A new bookstore featuring poetry has opened in Rick's Café at 281 Augusta Avenue in Kensington Market. 
 We dropped in that afternoon and discovered a very attractive stock of poetry books.
The shop mixes new and used books. What could be better?
I bought a trade paperback of Frank O'Hara's complete poems.
Must have a good look through these chapbooks on my next visit. 
Nice surprise -- I don't know this Duane Michals book. Must look it up online.
Best of luck to Jeff Kirby on his new shop -- knife | fork | book. We'll be stopping in regularly.


  1. We went back today and I bought a cool photobook that I had never seen before. Had a nice caffe latte too.

  2. Yes, Dorota -- finally some good news! ;-)

  3. Dear John + William. Love your blog. Thanks for stopping (and shopping) at kfb. And this lovely shout-out. All so greatly appreciated.

    I'm personally in the shop, Weds-Sun, w/th 1-7, f/sat 1-9, sun 12-3. Would love to have a coffee sometime.


  4. Looking forward to meeting you, Kirby -- and looking forward to more great shopping!
    Bill and John

  5. Is poetry still relevant?
