Saturday, October 28, 2023

Our Paris Bookstores

When Bill and I need new books to read in Paris we take the Metro to San Francisco Books, on the Left Bank, for paperbacks and the odd collectable.
We also drop into the Abbey Bookshop, a narrow store crammed floor to ceiling with used books.
Bill wishes he had bought this sweet little Ronald Searle, but we only have so much room in our carry-on.
La Chambre Claire, our fave photo bookstore from our last trip, has a new Left Bank location, 
near the campus of the Sorbonne. For lovers of photo books it is a destination.
A strong collection of new books and older titles.
The best art book store in Paris has to be Yvon Lambert in the Haut Marais. We dropped in several times a week.
We always found books we didn't see anywhere else.
Galignani, on the rue Rivoli is our big bookstore.
An Aladdin's cave of great books.
I wanted to buy by this new book on Joan Mitchell for the cover portrait alone.
You will find their books in English in the back of the shop.
We were intrigued by Livres et Jeux Anciens Vente.
This collection of books and vintage games was closed when we went by and we didn't get back.
Next time we'll set aside a morning for an extended browse.
Le Livre Penseur was also closed. Such a charming window! I'm particularly intrigued by that painting on the left of a fox talking to a nightingale.

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