Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Our Roman Day

How wonderful to be back in Rome after three years
and to start the day with a glance over the rooftops.
Laundry day in Rome. The pitiless Roman sun will dry our freshly washed clothes, under the screeches of the local, nesting, seagull families.
Bill and I walked out and were pleased to find all of Rome spread out around us. It is all still here.
We checked the embankment beside the Ponte Sisto for what remained of the William Kentridge 2017 mural: not one trace. 
Fountain in front of Palazzo Medici near the top of the Spanish Steps.
The famous ceiling of Sant'Ignazio seen from the wrong angle to reveal the barrel-shaped vault / Ponte Fabricio: Rome's oldest bridge.
Monday is lentil day at Augusto. We sat ourselves under the umbrellas in the piazza but the staff invited us to sit inside, as it was much cooler within the thick walls.
Famous lentils with sausage, and a side of tomatoes. Simple, / simple.
Another day at Augusto. I'm having pork roast with roasted potatoes. We do visit other days because our beloved Open Door bookstore nearby is closed Mondays.
Sundays usually find us at La Montecarlo Pizzeria. Today instead of my usual Margarita, I'm trying the four cheese pizza. It was good.
Lunch at Gino al Parliamento. Locals paying / Carla and Fabrizio, the owners, serving their loyal clientele,
Contentment in Rome: Da Enzo in Trastevere / Da Tonino on the Governo Vecchio.
After lunch our walk home often brought us by San Luigi dei Francesi and its Carabinieri standing guard. Believe it or not I took these two pictures on different days.
Walking home from our local farmer's market, Bill has a bouquet of peonies. / After a nap, our siesta continues with reading and writing.
Nothing beguiles the unending heat of the day like a drink and a pot of cherries, both icy from the fridge.
This year we had sympatici neighbours in Toronto friends, Lisa and Shelly / Shelly introduced us to the delights of Apple 3-D street view (photo by Lisa Roosen-Runge).
After the siesta all of Rome goes back to work. We emerge from our door on our tourist work to see the chef next door and workmen with their gear back on the job.
Our tourist work often leads to our favourite bar where we routinely order a bottle of prosecco to beguile the hour. Here are Bill and Lisa recounting the adventures of the day.
And here's server Davide helping a customer to her table. She has just hopped off the back of a scooter. The driver joins her after parking.
We love the denizens of this bar.
Walking home takes us by the magnificent Pantheon. It always looks fresh.
Evenings often also take us by Giolitti for gelato / and to Cafe Sant'Eustachio for espresso. This bar is packed with visitors all day but in the evening we get to know the staff.
House style here is "with sugar." Azad smiled when I asked for a "normale" and a "senza normale." / When we told him we were leaving Rome he touched his heart.
At home in Rome at night. Temperature doesn't get much below 28 degrees. What a great time we are having.
I read on the terrace until the light fades. Then I rest my eyes on the rooftops, the same rooftops we looked at this morning. And so to bed.


  1. So much to see! You share for those of us who will never see these wonders. My daughter has been to Rome many times for her job, and I know it is a favorite place of hers too. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Great to read your comments. And who are you? Bill and John

  2. another romantic, beautiful post. Thanks boys!

  3. I love sausage, I really love Italian sausage!
