Sunday, December 13, 2020

Christmas at Our House

Christmas is going to be modest this year. 
So hard to grasp that we won't be visiting our family and friends. 
This Christmas Bill and I will be staying in our bubble of two. (A friend sculpted this portrait of us thirty years ago. The resemblance remains uncanny.)
We love Christmas trees but for some reason we have never had one ourselves. But we do have a box of Christmas decorations.
Tradition dictates that they go on our over-wintering bay tree and our rosemary bush.
Late November at Santa's Workshop South finds Number One Elf William Kimber drawing this year's Christmas card.
Later I filled our display shelves with some of our favourite Christmas books and cards and records.
This year we found a new place for our box of lights and our Christmas angel. We have had the lights for more than thirty years and have never taken them out of the box. We just pull out the cord, plug it in and the rows light up.
The angel was at the top of my parent's Christmas trees all through my childhood and teenage years. When I left home to go to the big city my mother gave it to me.
Early December at Santa's Workshop South finds Number One Elf William Kimber at his desk writing greetings on our newly printed Christmas cards.
Merry Christmas, everyone! Inside the greeting goes "Let's 'ZOOM' into 2021 in hopes of a better year!'
There are clementines. It must be Christmas.
We'll leave you with the skittish poodle we met a few days ago. Dressed to the nines but nowhere to go, just like the rest of us.


  1. Beautiful photos, wishing you both the best of holidays and a wonderful new year!

  2. Thank you for the tour. Delightful. Best to both of you.

  3. Thanks for the very interesting tour! My Norfolk Pine is finally tall enough to be a Christmas tree but I lack the motivation to bring up my box of ornaments from the locker So it has one ornament on it that I received this year. Good enough.
    A word of caution - is the paper box safe if the lights overheat?
    All the best to you both.

    1. Love the idea of your lightly decorated tree. This year has certainly been an opportunity to honour minimalism. And thank you for asking about the lights. You are so sweet. You can't tell from the picture but the bulbs are very small and don't get hot at all. We're just hoping they carry on with us awhile. We've had it a long time and if one light goes out they'll all go.

  4. Uncle Bill and John , thanks again for the beautiful Christmas card. Danaka, Lily and I look forward to your creation every year. I wish the both of you the happiest of holidays and look forward to the time that we can see each other again. All the best, Ryan.

    1. Merry Christmas, Ryan, and Merry Christmas to your lovely family. From our bubble to your bubble!
      We miss you. J&B

  5. It's been an odd holiday season indeed - but yes your card tradition is so welcome and special. We really need it this year! Thanks for posting your decorations!
    Lisa RR

  6. You're lucky my room mate won't let me put up Christmas decorations. Love the lights in a box.


  7. It doesn't have to be a pine tree, any green living thing in the house is a joy to have during the winter months, and plant that can hold decorations will do.

  8. Decorated with love....

  9. Dear Anonymous, thanks for all the comments. Who are you? John
