Sunday, September 24, 2017

Acqua Alta Bookshop, Venice

Liberia Acqua Alta (High Water Bookshop) in one of the few bookstores in Venice. It is eccentric and picturesque but book lovers may be horrified.
 John and I found it in the Castello neighbourhood near the Campo Santa Maria Formosa.
It's packed with books of all sorts both new and secondhand.
True to the "water" theme there was a gondola filled with books in the centre of the main aisle
and beyond that a bathtub.
As we continued through the maze of rooms
we saw a doorway onto a canal in the distance.
No wonder there is such a scent of mould throughout the shop!
Seating at the doorway suggests a moment of calm in all the chaos.
The packed shelves and tables led us
to an open courtyard lined with unappealing stacks of books that have been left out in the rain. 
A photogenic place but needless to say we didn't find anything to buy!


  1. The courtyard provides books for a rainy day.

    BB Lee

  2. The courtyard is an ongoing art exhibition, based on the decay of the books.
