After a busy New York morning in the fall of 2012 Bill and I arrived at the Museum of Modern Art hungry. We paid our entrance fee and walked straight past the art to their great cafeteria.
We split this chickpea, beet and mesclun salad
and this delicious sausage and rigatoni pasta dish. We can't look at art on an empty stomach.
Nice display of bentwood furniture. Must be mostly sixties designs.
We had a good look at this new purchase of de Kooning drawings too.
That's Bill with an early Alexander Calder mobile; Lobster Trap and Fish Tail, 1939.
The Century of the Child show on the top floor
was both fun and eccentric.
Bill's view from the MOMA escalator.
We always visit the 4th floor Twentieth Century art galleries. Here's Picasso's Les Demoiselles d'Avignon, 1907.
and here, Henri Rouseau's The Sleeping Gypsy, 1897.
We always enjoy the many views from floor to floor created by Yoshio Tanaguchi's renovation.
Bill and I are new to the work of Christopher Wool. Nice oil on linen painting, Untitled, 2007, over the MOMA members' information desk.
Deiter Roth had much of his home life videotaped as an art piece in Solo Scenes, 1997-98.
Roth died in 1998.
Keith Haring's long ink drawing, Untitled, 1982 and Jeff Koons' Three Ball 50/50 Tank, 1985 in the Contemporary Galleries.

Senga Nengudi's R.S.V.P.1, 1977, is made of panty hose and sand.
Another Christopher Wool on our way out. MOMA has been featuring him lately. Hope you enjoyed our little stroll through this gem of a museum.