Saturday, April 6, 2019

Welcome to Naples

William Kimber and I have an apartment in Napoli for all of April. We celebrated our arrival with a walk to the bay.
We found Vesuvius looming in the distance.
We wanted to get right to the water's edge so we were pleased to see this small craft landing.
When we descend the stairway
I noticed a little altar set into the wall.
My shadow cleared the refections revealing a little statue of Padre Pio within.
The landing had an enticing view along Via Nazario Sauro. We will return soon for a long walk along the waterfront.
I took a picture of young visitors reading in the sunshine
and the rowboats beyond them.
Other rowboats were awaiting their Spring touch-up.
We noticed another little altar, this one commemorating a missed local seaman.
Such a thrill to be once more on the shore of the Mediterranean!


  1. Wow - what beautiful vistas. It looks like a magical place to wander. Brilliant shot of the altar with your cast shadow.

  2. We have only scratched the surface of the waterfront, Rebecca. Will return for a leisurely wander along the Lungomare soon!

  3. The sea really does call to you.

    Is that why you live near the Waterfront?
